
Organisation of participation in courses

It is particularly important that students receive information as soon as possible about the key question of online or in person and how their courses are being organized.

In case that a change from virtual to classroom teaching takes place during the course of the semester, students need to know whether the course they are taking will still be offered digitally (hybrid classroom or recording) as a supplement after the change or whether the change will be exclusively to classroom teaching. For some students, this means that they then have to move their center of life to Basel at short notice.

In addition, it is also important for students to be able to organize their schedules for synchronous teaching phases and calculate transit time or to look for a free learning station on campus that they can use to attend an online class after being physically present at another class.

Supervising student groups that are physically present at different times (e.g. in separate small groups, alternating between classes that are 50% full, or in groups that change due to illness and/or quarantine) calls for clear rules and communication by the lecturers. In pandemic times, peer support and exchange between students is limited.