

Classroom teaching faces restrictions in pandemic times. Regardless of whether teaching is conducted on campus, virtually or in hybrid scenarios, it is important to guarantee that students have equal opportunities and the chance to study.

This blended learning guide is designed to help lecturers draw up course plans that allow them to switch between classroom and online teaching or to make participation from different locations possible. The step-by-step guide covers the basics, elements to consider and ways to hold courses. Readers can consult individual chapters as required and apply only those sections they deem relevant to their situation. References in the guide and links to external resources are underlined in red. In total, it consists of three sections and seven chapters.

A) General Conditions

Chapter 2 of this guide provides an overview of the recommended teaching methods in pandemic times when classroom teaching is restricted or not possible at all and the tools available for digital teaching.

B) Blended learning design

  • Chapter 3 sets out the basics of blended learning.

  • The focus is on establishing a good connection between synchronous1 learning phases (“in person”, whether in a physical virtual or hybrid classroom) and asynchronous2 phases (independent study) within an integration concept Chapter 4.

  • This is followed by recommendations on provision of learning support, which will enable students to adapt throughout the semester and facilitate learning especially during asynchronous periods Chapter 5.

C) Infrastructure and technical considerations

  • The third section focuses specifically on how to use the digital tools available at the University of Basel.

  • For the asynchronous learning phase (independent study) of the guide, the focus in Chapter 6 is on ADAM. Our aim is to encourage you to explore and become more familiar with the various features of the learning management system, in order that you are able to use ADAM and its modules in your courses.

  • Chapter 7, which focuses on synchronous teaching, sets out teaching activities that can be held via Zoom (currently the most widely used tool) and other video-conferencing tools.

This blended learning guide is intended to give lecturers an orientation in order to plan and conduct blended learning classes especially in pandemic times. The blended learning guide refers to various support facilities and guidance notes.

1 Synchronous: sharing a physical, hybrid or virtual location at the same time
2 Asynchronous: not dependent on time or location
