
Example scenario of a medium-sized class/large seminar

Characterized by: a large group of students (20-80), high interactivity

Integration concept

Integration concept S = Seminar


  • The sessions are held as groups, with at least one group consisting of those students not present meeting in a virtual learning environment (Zoom). The other groups meet in a physical classroom on campus where possible.
  • To reduce the amount of work involved in the classroom teaching sessions, the content and activities are moved to the asynchronous phase.
  • The students are informed about the content covered in the synchronous and asynchronous phase and which group they are in (red line: “learning support”, see Chapter 5).
  • Pro: The synchronous and asynchronous phases are used in a manner that is didactically meaningful.
  • Con: A lot of initial work is involved in preparing the content for digital distribution and additional work for multiple groups.