
Your Unibas account

Every student at the university receives a Unibas account. The account is your digital identity as a student and is vital for almost all functions relating to your studies. The Unibas account consists of your user name (login), email address in the standard format and your personal password.

Your functions

Login for, email account, computer network, various EduTools and other online services of the University of Basel

Please note

Your lecturers and university management will communicate with you using this address. You must check your email account regularly (see section 9 of the Student Regulations).

Two-step login

To better protect your data and the university’s infrastructure, the University of Basel uses a “two-step log-in” system. This means that registration for some of the university’s services (such as Webmail, MOnA) requires verification not only of your username and password, but also physical possession of a device such as your smartphone. You may already be familiar with this procedure from e.g. online banking. You can find more information here:

Change your password

You’ll receive multiple reminders by email when it’s time to change your password. Did you miss the time window? Has your password expired? You can set a new password on Viaweb.