
Before recording

To avoid unpleasant surprises during recording, we strongly recommend that you do a test run. Familiarise yourself with the software; find the ideal distance from the microphone; and check the sound quality of the test recording. Would you like to write something on a blackboard? Take a test shot in the highest possible quality to check whether what is written on the board is also legible in the video.

Recording in a lecture hall

  • Make sure that students are not visible in the shot

  • Check that any text you write on the board is legible

Recording without students

Choose a quiet room with as little background noise as possible. For a good quality recording, choose the right location. Large echoey rooms will sound echoey in a recording. Loud surroundings will sound loud in a recording. It is a good idea to choose a small room with as little echo and background noise as possible. Make sure that you are not interrupted during the recording and that no one enters the room.

**Make sure you are not interrupted by incoming mails, notifications or phone calls while recording ** Close all unnecessary applications (such as mail, chat and phone programs)

Think about how you would like to get your message across. Our advice is to keep your presentation shorter for audio recordings than you would for a lecture hall. The more concise your recording, the longer you are guaranteed the attention of your students. Decide which are the most important parts of your lecture. You might want to divide your recordings into chapters which you can then upload separately. Take a few notes in advance. You will not have a vis-à-vis while you are speaking. Your students will most likely be alone when they listen to your lecture. Distance learning takes a great deal of self-motivation - so try using a more relaxed style than is perhaps common in front of a large audience; one that addresses students directly. Your lecture will sound more like a dialogue if you use phrases such as “You may now be thinking that…” or “Imagine…”.

**Make sure that you have all your material ready for your lecture or, in this case, your recording. ** Check if your presentation has all the necessary slides. Have your script, notes etc. ready.

Find a comfortable position in which you can maintain a steady distance to your device’s microphone. Find the microphone on your device. The best way to record sound is to maintain a steady distance to the microphone. If you are at your computer, remain seated. If possible, try not to walk back and forth.


University of Basel