
Written examination assessment formats

At University of Basel, the following options and tools are currently available to conduct examinations and assessments online.

(A) So far: Written exams with 30 or more participants with MC questions

Digital alternative: Open book exams / written exams with EvaExam (MC questions only)

Further notes:

  • Focus on knowledge application rather than knowledge retrieval (adapt questions if necessary)

  • Allow for more time to solve the exercises than for a non-digital exam

  • Remote-proctoring solutions are not recommended due to the technical complexity. These are currently not supported by the central services. In order to clarify questions about possibly existing intra-faculty solutions, please contact the Dean’s Office of your faculty.

(B) So far: Written exams up to 300 participants with open and/or MC questions

Digital alternative: Open book tests / written exams on ADAM

Further notes:

  • Choose between different question types (recommended: Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Kprim, Error Text, Cloze, Numerical Question, Arrangement Question, Assignment Question, Free Text Question).

  • Focus on knowledge application rather than knowledge retrieval (adapt questions if necessary)

  • Allow more time to solve the exercises than for a non-digital exam

  • Decide if students should be prepared for an open book exam (e.g. by simulation)

(C) So far: Protocol, essay, report, exercise sheet, exercise task, task sheet, essay, case study, thesis paper, paper, homework, poster, pro- & seminar paper, written presentation of the results of a project work

Digital alternative: Exercise (for simultaneous exams with 300 participants) or Postbox Folder (for simultaneous exams with 30 participants) on ADAM; upload a file (up to 300 MB; for simultaneous exams up to 10 MB); as (i) Take-Home-Exam or as (ii) course-related assessment

Further notes:

  • The module Exercise supports a structured procedure (preparation, administration, evaluation, feedback).

  • The students work on the task autonomously and then hand it in via ADAM using the module Exercise (a video tutorial can be found here).

  • Or: The file is submitted via folders of type Postbox (return folder) (up to 30 participants).

  • Define a time window (and optionally a grace period) for the submission (e.g. 24-hour homework)

  • Files can also be submitted as a team

  • Files submitted by students via upload should not be too big (recommendation: < 10 MB)

(D) Previously: Portfolio

Digital alternative: Online portfolio on ADAM

Further notes:

  • Online collection of various elements (texts, images, file lists, data tables, etc.)

  • With or without module Portfolio Template

  • Define a time window (and optionally a grace period) for submission

  • Optionally combined with an additional oral examination (“defence”)

(E) So far: Formative exams and assessments, feedback

Digital alternative: Formative exams and assessments and feedback with EvaExam

Further notes:

  • Formative examinations and assessments can be used to support the learning process, and are important to familiarise students with the examination software.

  • Students can view their results online immediately after completing an EvaExam online exercise.

Digital alternative: Formative exams and assessments and feedback on ADAM

Further notes:

  • Formative examinations and assessments can be used to support the learning process of students

  • Teachers can give feedback on the students’ work (depending on the task or ADAM module used, by email, file or text input)

  • Module Exercise: the submitted solutions of all students can optionally be viewed by the other students after the submission deadline.

  • Module Test: automatic feedback can optionally be built into the answers of the exams

