Technical requirements
In order to successfully use ADAM for assessments, various prerequisites should be met. These are summarized below.
Equipment of the students:
All students already use ADAM for their courses. It can be assumed that they have the necessary infrastructure to use ADAM.
In order to implement written assessments, which you upload to ADAM, you must have appropriate programs such as the Microsoft Office package or specialized software. What is needed has to be defined for each course.
Digital literacy and access of the students:
Students must be able to work with a connected device with a standard internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera etc.) and have undisturbed access to this device during the examination.
Files submitted by students via upload should not be too big (recommendation: < 10 MB).
Students must have the required knowledge of software (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.) in order to create the demanded written assessments.
Digital literacy and access of the examiners:
As a Learning Management System (LMS), ADAM offers many possibilities and can, for example, solve complex scenarios. If you have little LMS experience and decide to use ADAM, we recommend you to:
Schedule a training period
If possible, use easier to use modules such as Postbox folders or exercises (and not complex modules such as Test or Portfolio and Portfolio template)
Guide your students
Do a test run, especially for complex scenarios including students with little LMS experience