Use of ADAM modules for online exams and assessments
ADAM offers various modules that can be used for online exams and assessments.
Module Folder: Type Postbox
The ADAM module Folder of type Postbox is a return folder. Students can upload files here. A time limit can be set for the access to the folder. Students only see their own files and no other files. Lecturers and tutors can see and edit everything.
Reference to the examination scenario:
Non-simultaneous take-home exam
Only suitable for a maximum of 30 students
Files submitted by students via upload should not be too big (recommendation: < 10 MB)
Proof of submission: Students send an ADAM screenshot to the examiners after uploading the file
Complex and handwritten documents with sketches, mathematical or chemical formulas can be photographed and scanned for submission to ADAM.
The usual word processing applications (e.g. Word) should be used for writing texts (and not ADAM).
Module Exercise
With the module Exercise written assessments can be designed in a structured way:
One or more exercise units are possible
The work can be done individually or in teams
Assessment: automatically (simply by submission), by lecturers/tutors or by peer reviewing (assignment randomly and automatically)
Reference to the examination scenario:
Design, provide, collect, correct and evaluate exercises
Submission of written assessments such as homework, reports, protocols, sketches, presentations etc. (with feedback function)
Files submitted by students via upload should not be too big (recommendation: < 10 MB)
The module Exercise is not suitable for targeted peer feedback. In this case, we recommend the use of the module Forum (and communicate who should give feedback to whom)
Unibas-Email (simple solution as an alternative to using the module Exercise)
Exercises can be sent to students by email. Students return their answers by email within a defined time window. This is a simple, secure and reliable alternative to the more complex ADAM modules. Furthermore, it is applicable in the case of defined, “sharper” time windows. For simplifying the sending of (serial) mails between @unibas and/or @stud.unibas mail accounts, Outlook (or Excel) can be used.
Reference to the examination scenario:
Highly individualized written exams of type open-book-exam, for which neither ADAM nor EvaExam are suitable.
For examinations by e-mail, ideally all participants should use Outlook (Win or Mac; in the standard configuration) or webmail ( and not the ADAM mail function
To/cc/bcc is possible via serial mailing
Only use @stud.unibas and @unibas email addresses
Several hundreds of mails can be sent simultaneously
A serial sending of your mails is possible and might be useful
Screenshots of the sent mails can be requested as submission proof
Attachments of up to 47 MB are possible
Make sure to organize an internal test run
Further information:
Unibas mail (in German)
Mass mail (in German)
Module Forum
In a Forum, asynchronous discussions can be held. All members of a workspace can open, edit and delete their own threads or posts there. The manager is automatically the moderator and is the only one who can delete posts or edit replies to a post. If the manager takes over the moderation, he or she does not need to designate another moderator. Forums are successful if they are moderated and actively maintained.
Reference to the examination scenario:
Active (discussion) participation, active collaboration, active involvement
Upload of files is possible for everyone
Guide students and motivate them to participate actively
Presettings by manager: members are automatically informed about new features
Module Wiki
A Wiki is a collection of many individual, linked websites which can be read, extended, changed and deleted by all users. When editing contents together, Wikis focus on asynchronous collaboration, i.e. users work at the same website at different times. Synchronous working is possible when all participants have their own page at their disposal.
Reference to the examination scenario:
Collaborative learning: jointly developing content online
Planning of a training period for everyone and provide support to students.
Assign personal Wiki page(s) to students if necessary, since synchronous editing on the same page is not possible.
Modules Portfolio and Portfolio Template
The Portfolio allows each ADAM user to create one or more personalized pages to document, reflect and, if necessary, review his or her own learning process. A portfolio can be used as a profile, as a collection of data/artefacts and/or as a solution of an exercise. You can use the module Portfolio Template to provide students with pre-structured portfolios.
Reference to the examination scenario:
Examinees present their individual learning process and/or their individual skills and achievements in an online portfolio.
The modules Portfolio and Portfolio Template require familiarization or previous knowledge on both sides (students and lecturers).
As a simple alternative solution, we recommend using the module Exercise with a pre-structured Word document as a portfolio template. Students can upload the completed pre-structured Word document to the module Exercise.
Modules Test and Question Pool for Test
With the module Test you can implement formative self-tests and online exercises as well as summative examinations (open book) for groups of up to 300 students. There are different question types, of which we recommend: Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Kprim Choice, Error Text, Cloze, Numerical Question, Arrangement and Assignment Question as well as Free Text Question. Use the Question Pool for frequent testing which allows for efficient filling-in.
With large groups (more than 30 students) it is not possible to carry out tests with random selection and order of questions from the question pool for capacity reasons. Furthermore, the question type “Imagemap” should not be used for large groups.
Reference to the examination scenario:
Formative tests and quizzes during the semester to check the level of knowledge
Simultaneous take-home exam with open and/or MC questions
The modules Test and Question Pool are very complex modules, previous knowledge or sufficient training time are necessary.
Award only positive or no points (no malus points).