Fraud protection
In order to minimize the risk of fraud, the following options are available for online exams:
1. Time limitation
Participants can access the exam by a link sent by email with a personalised TAN (= transaction number). The exam will be opened by the examiners on the specified date. From then on, students can identify themselves with their matriculation number. As soon as they have identified themselves, the examination time starts. At the end of the exam period, the examiners check whether all exams have been submitted before closing the exam access.
2. Question pools and different exam versions
Thanks to the creation of question pools with the same level of difficulty and the automatic creation of variants, a high degree of individualisation of the exams is achieved. Thereby, different participants receive differently formulated questions, in a different order.
3. Testing of certain skills
Due to the open book character, online exams with EvaExam are particularly useful for testing the candidates’ skills in the areas of application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Thus, the examination tasks should rather be about applying existing knowledge to new situations. Accordingly, when creating an online exam with EvaExam, you should pay special attention to the didactic preparation. Questions that solely aim at reproducing knowledge are not useful in open book format.
4. Further technical aids
Moreover, there are individual technical means to increase fraud protection (e.g. remote proctoring, which ensures the identification of participants). However, these solutions are not provided by the University of Basel. The reason for this is that the slight increase in fraud protection is disproportionate to the personal legal and technical hurdles.