General information
Find below a number of questions to help you design your exams and assessments.
Assessment Literacy
Is there clarity among students and teachers about what constitutes a good performance in the examination subject?
Have I ensured that students are familiar with the (digital) examination format, the examination environment and the examination procedure? If possible, did I simulate an exam situation?
Assessment Feedback
Have I built in formative exams into my teaching?
Does my evaluation of the examination or assessment give a good indication of the level of performance of the students?
Does my assessment contribute to self-directed learning?
Assessment Design
Is the result of the test as uninfluenced as possible by the examiner?
Is the examination of my course as a measuring instrument capable of adequately representing the different levels of performance among the students?
When creating the tasks, did I take care to list a sufficient number of exercises of medium difficulty in order to reduce the measurement error?
Does the exam measure what it claims to measure?
Are the learning goals, the lecture and the exam coordinated?
Examinations and assessments take on many different functions (including formative function, promotion and control of learning processes, qualification, selection, differentiation of performance, diagnostic function, further development of teaching, reproduction of the body of knowledge, initiation…). With which goals do I use them in my teaching? Are they fit for purpose?
Do all students get equal chances to show their skills?
Do I prefer or discriminate certain students or groups of students with my examinations?
Have I informed the students about how I’m going to digitalise my teaching and how they can access the teaching materials?
Have I communicated the requirements and learning objectives of my course to the students in a transparent way (in written form) and in time? Did they have the chance to clarify any open questions in this regard?
Literature reference: This checklist was developed on the basis of “Enhancing Assessment Feedback in Practice in Higher Education: The EAT Framework” by Carol Evans, 2020.