
Making migration safer: setting up collaboration

Nepali migrant workers in Delhi, India, face rough conditions. A researcher and an NGO developed a project to address this problem. In this video, Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme explains how the project was launched.

Not every transdisciplinary project starts in the same way. Different contexts offer different opportunities, and case studies help to illustrate diverse routes. The project of this case was set up to improve the living and working conditions of Nepalese, who worked in Delhi.

As the video shows, the project started out in the framework of a PhD. The researcher then met activists who knew well what challenges the Nepali migrants faced. Their experience and the scientific perspective of the researcher led to a programme that provided training in financial issues, labour rights, and organisation. The project received financial support from a Swiss research institution and also resulted in data that helped to advance research.

Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme takes you on the journey to the launch of this project. She describes that goals, roles, and processes were the result of joint decisions. The partner who implemented the measures was the NGO South Asia Study Center in Delhi.

After watching the video, please read the excerpts of the interview with Raju Bhattarai, former head of the NGO (attached below). He gives an impression of what the Nepali migrants faced in Delhi – and explains some of the measures.

This case is a perfect example of the challenges between the realms of science and practice, which were mentioned in the last chapter. Can you think of concrete solutions for this case? How could this project have developed? Write down your thoughts. If you have the possibility, talk to a peer about the project to come up with more answers.

Educator: Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme
