
A world of difference

Jakob Zinsstag, Daniela Rodriguez-Rodriguez and Mohammed Ibrahim Abdikadir discuss how they relate to animals. Similarities and differences between them become quickly apparent.

Our attitudes towards different animals depend on cultural and religious aspects. As we address the concept of One Health it is advisable to investigate our own attitude in order to become aware of it. As a starting point, Daniela, Mohammed and Jakob have categorised their attitudes. They asked themselves:

Which animals do I like?
Of which animals am I afraid?
Which animals do I eat?
Which animals do I consider a nuisance?
Which animals do I feel need more protection?

The result is a table that shows nicely which attitudes they share and in which attitudes they differ. As they discuss their findings, explore how Daniela explains these questions in relation to Mexico and how Mohammed does the same for Somalia. You can also find a blank table in the ‘downloads’ section below. You might want to download it and investigate your own similarities and differences. Maybe it is a good idea for you to answer the five questions for yourself and compare it to the statements of Daniela, Jakob and Mohammed?


Université de Bâle
