
Thank you all for your participation

The realisation of this course was possible thanks to the collaboration with our dear colleagues from different disciplines - many thanks to all of them!

Photo d'un jeune pasteur itinérant à dos d’âne au Tchad. Lui et son âne transportent tous les deux des bidons d'eau en plastique de plusieurs litres

We would also like to thank the farmers and food market people for their valuable contribution. We are grateful to the Africa One Consortium funded by the Wellcome Trust, and the NGOs Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse, CAB Demeso and the International Livestock Research Institute.

One Health is an approach based on the exchange of information, meaning, culture and ethics. The principle of One Health is simple but not always easy to prove. One Health is the added value of working together for the benefit of human and animal health. We would like to encourage you to seek interdisciplinary collaborations and show that this concept works in your country or case study.

We thank you for your participation in this course and hope that you have benefited from it. With our best regards,

Jakob Zinsstag, Bassirou Bonfoh and Esther Schelling


University of Basel