
What types of social reading are there?

Bob Stein is the founder of the Institute for the Future of the Book. On the institute’s website, he has posted a useful essay entitled ‘A Taxonomy of Social Reading: A Proposal’.

Please read at least the introduction and his comments on ‘Category 4’ to get a good understanding of what types of social reading there are.

Photography of Bob Stein giving a talk

Bob Stein (© Photo by Tomislav Medak, Wikimedia, licensed under CC Attribution 2.0 Generic license)

As an aside, note that Bob Stein’s essay is itself embedded in a social reading environment that allows for readers’ comments in the right margin. (The comments function is closed by now, though, so you cannot add further comments).


Stein, Bob. ‘A Taxonomy of Social Reading: A Proposal’. The Institute for the Future of the Book. June 10, 2015.


University of Basel