
Check for resources of nonprofits in your country

Nonprofits are always dependent on resources from third party sources. Explore the situation for nonprofits in your country.

As already mentioned, one of the major projects on the international state of the nonprofit sector was the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project (CNP). Data from 41 countries was gathered to draw a global picture.

Meanwhile, other projects in research and practice have been issued, providing general information about the resources for the nonprofit sector. With respect to resources, we do not only think of financial means, but all sorts of capital – human, cultural, intellectual capital, and so on.

Please build on information such as the CNP, the Global Philanthropy Report, CIVICUS, and others to gather more information about resources for nonprofits in your country.

Focus especially on financial and human capital (volunteers!), and check where financial resources stem from (national or international, government, economy, individuals, etc.).


University of Basel