
Systemizing social innovation

The Atlas of Social Innovation is the product of a scientific project with the aim to provide a comprehensive overview on the multifaceted concept of social innovation.

By mapping over 1000 social initiatives from all over the world, the atlas offers a broad overview of the multiplicity and diversity of the concept of social innovation. One can learn about the actors, their cases, and the societal problems they address. By selecting and systemizing some of the innovations presented, you will get a better understanding of the variety of social innovation.

Please visit the Atlas of Social Innovation online. Go to the map and use the filters to select four or five social initiatives of your choice. Evaluate them according to the different types of innovation and the definitions of social innovation you have learned so far.

You may also want to use the classification from this article: Building blocks of a typology of social innovation.


Rabadijeva, M., Schröder, A., Zirngiebl, M. (2017). Building Blocks of a Typology of Social Innovation. In The Atlas of Social Innovation, 85-88.


University of Basel