
Wrap-up: Organizational theories and entrepreneurship

In this chapter, you gained insights into what social entrepreneurship is all about and got to know Professor Georg von Schnurbein. Let’s recall this first chapter.

In this first chapter, you were introduced into the field of entrepreneurship in nonprofits. You learned about important organizational theories, eg path dependency. This theory was explained in Step 1.4 using the practical example of the qwerty or qwertz system for keyboards. Remember that path dependency is about systems that, once chosen, stay in practice, although the primary reason for their application became obsolete.

Later in the chapter, you became acquainted with institutional isomorphism, self-regulation and ratings, as well as resource dependency theory. Finally, you listened to Professor Michael Meyer from Vienna University of Economics and Business. He talked about today’s major discourses in the field of organizational theories and which theories he considers to be promising as well as why he judges them to be essential.