
Wrap-up task: develop your own social innovation model

What is the stage of social innovation in your organization? Do you want to sketch an idea for a new social innovation?

In this chapter, we have taken a closer look at the concept of social innovation. Starting from a general differentiation of types of innovation, we defined the concept of innovation and learned about the global state of social innovation. We highlighted the benefit of cooperation and collaboration for a successful realization of social innovation and discussed the model of social innovation with different phases. Finally, we discussed aspects of managing innovation processes.

All this knowledge will help you to develop and refine your own social initiative. Applying the social innovation model, in which phase do you position your organization, your initiative or your latest project? Describe the situation and also fill in experiences and learnings of the previous phases that you have already passed. If you are starting from scratch, include your plans for the next three phases and set up a time frame.


University of Basel