
Think about social innovation in your field of interest

Thanks to modern communication technology and social media, new ideas travel fast today. Thus, on the one hand, tracking innovative ideas is much easier today. On the other hand, the flood of information is overwhelming and might lead to a situation in which you miss information that is interesting.

This exercise addresses two questions:

First, do you know the current innovations in your field of interest?

Perhaps you have some good ideas on your own or you have read about new developments recently. Try to collect and summarize these developments in a structured way (eg a mind map etc.).

Second, where do you find constant information and news on recent developments?

Reconnaissance on new developments is an ongoing task. However, you cannot spend hours per week screening the internet or reading magazines. Thus, you should focus on two or three channels that keep you up to date. Perhaps you differentiate between regional/national news and global developments. In this way, you benefit from research that others already have already done.


University of Basel