
How do insecticides work?

Insecticides work by interfering with the normal function of an insect. In this video, Barbara Wedel explains how this works and how insecticides are grouped.

Different insecticides target different aspects of an insect pest’s normal function. The insecticides that work in the same way and interfere with the same target site can be grouped together into a “Mode of Action” group. This concept is important for the management of insecticide resistance. If an insect population develops resistance to one insecticide, it is likely to be resistant to all insecticides from the same Mode of Action group.

For a deeper dive into this topic, you will find a lot of information on the website of the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC). You can download the poster with the Mode of Action (MoA) Classification shown in the video as well as a searchable online version of the Mode of Action group classification. There is also a training slide deck that the MoA Working Group put together. You can even download an App to your phone.

To watch

Watch this video that explains the development of insecticide resistance in an agricultural setting
