
Urban health in Africa

In this chapter, we will explore urban health in Africa. Our experts are Akuto Akpedze Konou and Vitor Pessoa Colombo, two PhD candidates from Lausanne’s Institute of Technology in Switzerland.

The relationship between the growth of African cities and public health in those cities is an important one. Tanja Hammel, Akuto Akpedze Konou and Vitor Pessoa Colombo introduce the challenges and questions around this topic.

There is plenty of literature on urban planning and public health in Africa: from broad perspectives on the different urban planning cultures of the African continent by Carlos Silva and Ambe Njoh, to the “informal” urbanisation processes described by Jean-Claude Bolay, Jérome Chenal and Yves Pedrazzini.

You can find the above-mentioned books on urban planning and public health in the references below.


Bolay J-C, Chenal J, Pedrazzini Y (eds.). Learning from the Slums for the Development of Emerging Cities. Switzerland: GeoJournal Library, Springer International Publishing; 2016.

Njoh A. Urban Planning and Public Health in Africa: Historical, Theoretical and Practical Dimensions of a Continent’s Water and Sanitation Problematic. Routledge; 2017.

Nunes Silva C (ed.). Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial and Post-Colonial Planning Cultures. Routledge; 2015.
