
Wrapping up Chapter 5

Transdisciplinary research (TDR) projects aim to contribute solutions that help to overcome societal challenges. At the same time they intend to advance science. The third phase of TDR ‘Jointly exploring ways to impact’ is therefore as important as the first two project phases.

The main steps of this phase were introduced, including to jointly develop and test ideas, measures, and solutions that help to address the societal challenges. Social and societal learning were shown to be important approaches towards impact – with a very desirable side effect to enhance the agency of the involved actors. A broad communication concept also helps to enhance the awareness about project results. Enabling project partners to link back to their institutions and communities, in particular, has the potential to lead to structural change.

In the case steps, you gained insights into the rich and diverse results for both the scientific community and public and private societal actors. You were further invited to reflect on the projects’ pathways towards impact.

So let us again celebrate your achievements. We are sure that your insights concerning transdisciplinary research projects have grown from chapter to chapter. Well done!

In the final chapter, we’ll start by first looking back. We’ll evaluate the approaches and results of the different projects. Course educators talk about their career paths and reflect on their projects. Finally, you are invited to think about your future engagement in TDR.

Author: Tobias Buser