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Making migration safer: working abroad has risks

Globally, around 200 million people leave their country to work abroad. Many of these labour migrants live in precarious circumstances. In this case study we focus on Nepalese migrants who work in foreign lands.

Many Nepalese work abroad. With their money transfers they contribute importantly to their home country’s economy. However, they often work under conditions that are difficult.

Our case focuses on a community outreach project in Delhi that tried to improve the situation of labour migrants from Nepal. University researchers, an NGO, and the migrants themselves addressed challenges and looked for solutions. This was transdisciplinary to its core: diverse actors were involved to jointly identify problems and possible measures in order to make the livelihoods of the Nepalese working abroad safer.

The video introduces the case, its context, and the main questions. As you watch it – what image comes to mind when you think about labour migration? In which direction could this research have developed? Write down your thoughts and/or share them with peers.

Educator: Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme


The global flow of people
Explore estimates of migration flows between and within regions for five-year periods, 1990 to 2010. Click on a region to discover flows country-by-country.
