
Reflect on the case study

Jenny’s food allergy to wheat combined with effort is called ‘food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis’, or short FDEIA. Other allergens that may cause FDEIA include shellfish and nuts. Other aggravating cofactors include alcohol, aspirin, cold temperatures, and stress. If the particular food allergen is taken in conjunction with one of these cofactors, the reaction is typically more severe.

Take some notes

All of a sudden, Jenny is confronted with a threatening condition, which does considerably affect her way of living. We would like to invite you to reflect on Jenny’s situation. What would you do in her place? If possible, write down your findings.

Well done!

We would also like to congratulate you for finishing the first chapter of the course ‘Allergies: When the Immune System Backfires’! In this chapter you have learned about the most important developments in history concerning the immune system and its defence. You have also perceived the importance of vaccinations concerning the latter. Towards the end of chapter 1 Professor Andreas J. Bircher even took you on a tour in an imaginary castle – a metaphor for the immune defence. So, you investigated the components and explored the basic functioning and role of the immune system.

In chapter 2, you will learn about the classifications of immediate allergies and different types of allergic reactions as well as how these are being diagnosed and taken care of in a therapeutic manner.

Related Link

Exercise induced anaphylaxis