
Mosquito control tools to reduce malaria

We are at the end of this course and you have worked through a lot of material. The course showed the need for and the importance of proactively managing insecticide resistance. In this video, Keziah L. Malm and Fredros Okumu summarise the most important take-home messages.

Congratulations on reaching the end of the course! We hope that you were able to gain insights as you explored the material of this course. And we hope that you will be able to apply these insights in the struggle to eliminate malaria.

One of the key take-home messages is that we need to act in the context of a wider integrated vector management approach. Reducing the number of anopheline mosquitoes and reducing the interaction of mosquitoes and people is a key step in reducing malaria. This may also help to reduce the selection pressure for insecticide resistance development.

Maybe, as Keziah suggests in the video, we need to think in terms of “maintaining insecticide susceptibility” rather than “managing insecticide resistance”.

Before you go, reflect on how you have benefited from this course. The central question of this course was:

  • How can we stay ahead of the game in the fight against malaria?

Now that you have finished the course, what would your answer(s) be to this question? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. How do your current answers differ from what you shared at the beginning of the course?

We also invite you to think about these questions:

  • What does “being proactive” in this struggle against malaria mean to you?

  • Has this course shaped your perception of the problem – and how can you apply this knowledge?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thank you for joining us on this course and goodbye!
