
General information

To hold lectures or seminars in the virtual classroom, we recommend using the software Zoom. Please note that these installation instructions are only valid for lecturers. If you would like to record an event in advance (e.g. a lecture with many participants), we also recommend – besides Zoom – the software Panopto. As a webcast, your event can also be live-streamed via Panopto. To enable your students to follow the broadcast, you can generate a link in advance to share with them.

The university has acquired a license for the software Zoom, in which all members of the university – i.e. also students – are included. To protect personal data processed by Zoom and its subcontractors, the University has signed the required Global Data Processing Addendum.

Number of participants

We recommend using Zoom with the video and audio function fully enabled, especially for seminars with up to 30 participants. If there are more participants, we recommend asking the participants to deactivate their video and audio stream and to participate in discussions, e.g. via chat. Although the data load for the transmission of all microphone and camera data does not pose a problem for university systems, it might be a problem for the WLAN connection of students at home if there are 30 or more participants. Switching off the cameras can then ensure a more stable connection.

The number of participants is limited to 300; on request, the IT Service Desk can expand it to 500 participants.

Chapter overview

The following Chapter 5.2 provides quick instructions on how to register with Zoom and install the app, and an overview of the main functions during a meeting. If you have already purchased a Zoom license, you can connect this account to the campus license. The procedure is described in the next chapter. In Chapter 5.3 the different functions of Zoom are explained – and of course how you can hold a seminar with Zoom and, if necessary, record it. In Chapter 5.4, the possible uses of Panopto are briefly explained and a link to the separate instructions is provided.

On the IT services page you will find a series of FAQs on data protection and security when using Zoom (in German). For details on specific settings and detailed instructions, refer to Zoom Help Center.

Please note that only you, as the lecturer or organiser of the session, must install Zoom on your computer. After you have created the zoom meeting, send a URL to the students or your fellow students to invite them to this session.


University of Basel