
Dealing with emotions

Tasks such as term papers for a course are seen primarily as an intellectual challenge. Feelings are accorded little space in academia, yet they accompany and greatly influence our work processes. How can we deal with negative feelings in particular?

Daniel Buser – the presenter Nicole Zehnder – the student Fredy Kuttipurathu – Anxiety Elly Suter – Stress

Depression If you experience depressive symptoms for more than two weeks that are interfering with your daily activities such as studying, eating and sleeping, please contact your university’s counseling center or student healthcare service. Most universities and further education institutions have counseling centers that can provide psychosocial support to students. In the case of the University of Basel, various contact points are listed on this overview page. Click here to go directly to the psychological counseling center for the University of Basel. If necessary, inform your family as well. If you have a friend who you suspect might be suffering from a depressive episode, take action: invite your friend to go for walks, listen actively and make sure they seek and get professional help.
