
The six basic principles of the ACRL Framework

The last chapter briefly mentioned the six basic principles of the ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) Framework. This section will now examine these in more detail by presenting the associated practical knowledge and attitudes.

Authority Is Constructed and Contextual

Knowledge practices

  • Define different types of authority.
  • Determine the reliability of sources.
  • Understand how authority is established in various disciplines.
  • Recognize that there are different authorities, depending on media type.
  • Recognize the responsibility of authorities and your own.
  • Understand the interplay and change of authorities.


  • Be open to different perspectives.
  • Find standard information from authorities.
  • Look at information critically and without prejudice.
  • Question authority.
  • Be critical of yourself.

Information Creation as a Process

Knowledge practices

  • Know the possibilities and limitations of information.
  • Evaluate information also on the basis of its creation process.
  • Know the processes for creating and disseminating information in different disciplines.
  • Recognize the implications of information formats that contain static or dynamic information;


  • See the characteristics of information created through the information process.
  • Recognize the power of finding an appropriate source of information for a specific requirement.
  • Accept the different formats of information.
  • Accept complexity.
  • Understand the different ways of disseminating information.

Information Has Value

Knowledge practices

  • Quote correctly.
  • Understand the importance of intellectual property.
  • Understand copyright and open access.
  • Understand the consequences of lacking or restricted access to information.
  • Decide what information to publish, where and how.
  • Use your information responsibly.


  • Respect intellectual property.
  • Recognize that creating information requires skills, time and effort.
  • See yourself as a provider and disseminator of information, not just a consumer of it.
  • Be aware of your own privileges when dealing with information.

Research as Inquiry

Knowledge practices

  • Formulate search queries.
  • Determine the scope of investigation.
  • Break complex questions into simple ones.
  • Use different research methods.
  • Keep track of the information gathered.
  • Organize information in a meaningful way.
  • Draw ideas from different sources.
  • Draw reasonable conclusions based on careful analysis of information.


  • View research as an open-ended exploration.
  • Be aware that a question may be more complex than it first appears.
  • Be curious.
  • Be open and critical.
  • Be persistent and flexible in the research process.
  • Take different perspectives.
  • Seek support when needed.
  • Follow ethical and legal guidelines.

Scholarship as Conversation

Knowledge practices

  • Acknowledge the contributions of others.
  • Participate in scientific exchange in an appropriate way.
  • Identify barriers to scientific exchange.
  • Critically evaluate the contributions of others.
  • Recognize changes in science over time.
  • Recognize that there is more than just one view.


  • Recognize science as an ongoing conversation.
  • Seek out conversations taking place in your discipline.
  • Contribute actively to scientific conversations.
  • Recognize that scientific conversations takes place in different formats.
  • Judge carefully and in context.
  • Understand the responsibilities that comes with entering the scholarly conversation.
  • Appreciate and evaluate your own contributions.
  • Recognize that knowledge is a prerequisite for participation and engagement.

Searching as Strategic Exploration

Knowledge practices

  • Determine your information needs.
  • Find and access appropriate sources of information.
  • Choose appropriate search strategies and tools according to your information needs.
  • Adapt the search strategies according to the results.
  • Understand how information systems work.
  • Manage search processes and results.


  • Show flexibility and creativity.
  • Understand the recursive nature of research.
  • Be aware that information sources have varying relevance and value.
  • Seek guidance from experts.
  • Recognize the value of browsing and serendipity. vSee research as a challenge.

The ACRL Framework does not see information literacy education simply as acquisition of knowledge and practical experience. Rather, it is a holistic view of the handling of information in professional and social life.


Association of College & Research Libraries (2015). Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Retrieved from: http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework (02.12.2021).


Universität Basel