
How to read an early score

In order to read a score we need to be aware of different conventions concerning different semiotic aspects that range from the direction of reading to the meaning of single signs as clefs, notes, rests. Scores from the Middle Ages are based upon particular conventions that are not always self-evident. In this video we will share with you some of the most important reading skills for getting familiar with early scores.

The example we have chosen for this video is a fragment from the Basel University Library that was discovered by Professor Wulf Arlt and Professor Max Haas more than 40 years ago. Since then it almost fell into oblivion. You will have the chance to discover the organum Alleluya: Vox Sancti Bartholomei that might have been sung for the first time in 700 years especially for this course by the Ensemble Gilles Binchois under the direction of Dominique Vellard. This organum is preserved in the fragment-manuscript Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, F X 37, fol. 2.


Copyright University of Basel
