
Apply your own perspective to urban health

In this chapter, we explored various aspects of health in African cities related to urban planning and agriculture. In this way, we introduced the interdisciplinary field of urban health in the African context.

We started with a historical perspective, by explaining how the morphology of African cities relates to their colonial past. We then introduced you to the health impacts of inequitable spatial development, based on the example of Nairobi.

We investigated health issues in informal settlements, and how Participatory Geographic Information Systems can be useful to gather data that is critical to guide interventions in these settlements. Finally, we delved into urban agriculture and how it impacts the health of people living in cities.

Let us go one step further and apply what you have learned this week to your own experiences. Please think about the following questions, and reflect on at least 1-2 questions in the comments section.

  • According to you, what are the health impacts of inequitable spatial development in your city?
  • What do you know about health issues in deprived informal settlements in other areas of the world?
  • Can you think of health issues where Participatory Geographic Information Systems could support preventive actions, or guide interventions?
  • Have you observed urban agriculture projects in your own city? If so, how do they work and what do you believe are their impacts on the health of people living there?
  • Can you think of cases in your own country which could benefit from the methods or tools described in this chapter?