
Chinese medicine in Tanzania

In this video, Tanja Hammel interviews Andrea Kifyasi, lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, about his PhD thesis on Chinese medical assistance to post-colonial Tanzania.

Historian Andrea Kifyasi provides insights into the post-colonial diplomatic history of Sino-African relations, especially in the field of medical diplomacy. He sheds light on why South-South knowledge exchange and Chinese-Tanzanian collaborations have not attracted more scholarly attention so far.

His focus lies on Sino-African relations, and he gives examples of thriving research in this field. We can better understand Tanzanian history and its relations with China by learning more about his research. His research goes beyond “Theory from the South”.


Blunden M. South-South Cooperation: Cuba’s Health Programmes in Africa. International Journal of Cuban Studies. 2008; 1 (1): 32–41.

Feinsilver J M. Cuba’s Medical Diplomacy. A Changing Cuba in a Changing World (M A Font, ed). 273–286. New York: City University of New York; 2009.

Feinsilver J M. Fifty Years of Cuba’s Medical Diplomacy: From Idealism to Pragmatism. Cuban Studies. 2010; 41: 85-104.

Kifyasi A A. Neither “Saviour” nor “Exploiter”: A Historical Study of China’s Medical Assistance in Post-Colonial Tanzania. PhD Dissertation [Internet]. 2021 [cited 1 December 2021]. Available from: A Kifyasi_Dissertation_ edoc.pdf

Kifyasi A A. China’s Role in Global Health: HIV/AIDS Traditional Chinese Medicine Research and Treatment in Tanzania from 1987 to 2014. China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies [Internet]. 2021 [cited 8 March 2023] 7:(3): 243-67. Available from:

You can follow Andrea Kifyasi’s publications here and here:

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