
Seeking out help

In the pressure cooker environment of studying, it often seems like we have to cope with everything on our own. But it’s actually an important skill to know when you need help and where to get it.

Study groups
One of the most productive sources of social support is working in study groups. Studies show that cooperative learning can promote higher academic achievement, better reasoning skills and a greater ability to transfer what has been learned from one situation to another.
Group work is particularly effective if we first work alone and then work through challenging material together in the group. Collaborative working succeeds best when everyone is pursuing a similar goal.
Social learning can also be conducted and supported digitally, for example by means of video conferences or chats. Students at the University of Basel can create learning groups (Arbeitsgruppen fürs Studium on the ADAM learning platform in the ADAMtools area and use the collaboration functions that are available there. Documents can be stored and shared with others on ADAMtools, but cannot be simultaneously edited by several people. For this, the Switch Drive platform may be used instead.
