

The following points serve as a checklist, which you should go through before recording.

  • Place yourself in a quiet room with as little noise as possible. For a good recording, you should think about where you want to record. Large, reverberant rooms also sound reverberant in the recording. Loud environments also sound loud in recording. Small rooms with little room reverberation and preferably without background noise are useful. Also make sure that you remain undisturbed during the recording and that no one enters the room.

  • Make sure that you are not disturbed by incoming mails, notifications or phone calls during the recording process. Close all unnecessary apps (such as mail programs, chat programs, phone programs, …).

  • Think about how you want to convey the content. In general, it is recommended to keep your presentation for the audio recordings shorter than in a classroom lecture. The more concise your recording, the longer you are guaranteed the attention of the students. Think about which contents of your lecture are central. You might want to divide your recordings into chapters, which you upload separately afterwards. Make a few notes in advance. Note: You will not have a counterpart while you speak, and your students will most likely listen to your lecture alone. Learning at a distance requires a lot of self-motivation – therefore, try to maintain a more dialogical, open style than is perhaps usual in front of a large audience. Phrases such as “You may be thinking now…” or “Imagine…” will definitely support the teaching.

  • Make sure that you have all the material you need for your lecture or recording ready. Check that your presentation contains all the slides you want to talk about. Have script/notes etc. ready.

  • Take a comfortable position where you can keep a constant distance from the microphone of your device. Find the microphone on your device. The best way to record sound is to keep a constant distance from the microphone. When you are at your computer, remain seated. Do not walk around.

  • Make a test recording. The instructions for recording follow in the next sections. Experiment to find the best distance from the microphone and be sure to make a test recording to check the sound quality.


University of Basel