

Keeping up defences

Complex processes interact in the immune system. With this game we return once more to the image of the castle - as a memorising aid for certain aspects of these processes.

You can think of the immune system as a castle defended by a force against invaders. This helps to remember certain peculiarities. However, the image of the castle is more of an abstraction than an accurate representation of the immune defence.

This is even more true for the following game. It helps to deepen the picture of the castle and to clarify the correspondences between individual characters and important cells of the immune system. But the complex processes in the immune system had to be simplified for the game mechanics. The characters are much more one-dimensional than the variety of cells.

Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy playing “Castle”.

Note: You are seeing a Beta-version of the game. We do know that there are some bugs lurking in it. We are working on these.

How to get to know the game

First option: After the game has loaded, click on “Play”. You can then select game pieces to load onto the board. The game begins when there are seven defenders on the board, at the latest. However, you can also click on “Start game” beforehand and start defending the castle against various intruders.

Second option: Click on “Start story”. You are then introduced to the rules with an interactive story. The story includes two tutorial games where you can try out what you have learned. By the way: In the middle field of the first panel, you can see all the defenders and intruders of the game in a slide show.

Third option: Read the explanations in the following steps.


University of Basel
