
Discover freely accessible material that has been used in psychology courses at the University of Basel.

Learning and Memory

Learning and Memory

This is an introductory course to human learning and memory. Course language: English.
History of Psychology

History of Psychology

This course gives an overview of the history of psychology from the 19th century to the present day. Course language: English.
Forschungsethik in der Psychologie

Forschungsethik in der Psychologie

This course explains the basic approaches of ethics within psychological research and application. Course language: German.
Conducting Psychological Research

Conducting Psychological Research

An online tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to conduct psychological experiments - a key skill for psychologists. Course language: English.
Krank ohne Ursache?

Krank ohne Ursache?

Somatische Belastungsstörungen im Fokus
This course teaches the medically complex phenomenon of somatic stress disorder. Course language: German.
Grundlagen, Paradigmen, Mechanismen und Kontroversen der Psychotherapie

Grundlagen, Paradigmen, Mechanismen und Kontroversen der Psychotherapie

How does psychotherapy work? This question is explored in the podcasts and texts of this course. Course language: German.


In this course you will learn the basics of ethically guided psychotherapy, both theoretically and practically. Course language: German.