
Before the course begins

As a lecturer, you are responsible for making your course as accessible as possible. Please consider the following points when planning your course.

In your first informational email to students, encourage them to contact you if they have any special needs related to a disability or health condition. This will allow you to make your course accessible from the start. Sample language for this communication as well as information about various disabilities and chronic illnesses is provided in the StoB info sheets.

In the first session of each course, ask again whether anyone in the group has special needs, and ask them to get in touch with you to discuss it.

If you are unsure what words to use when speaking or writing about disabilities to avoid offence or hurt feelings, please consult these guidelines from the University of Basel’s Diversity Office.

The StoB service point is also open to you as a lecturer. Cooperation between all relevant offices and individuals is critical and will provide the best solutions for the affected students.

After you have clarified your students’ needs, you can plan the tools and media for your course. Accessibility requirements are highly varied, but they can be divided into the following broad categories:

  • For students with visual impairments and some motor impairments, text documents must be formatted appropriately and videos must include transcripts.
  • For students with hearing impairments, audio and video content must be specially formatted/edited.
  • Particular attention must be paid to video conferences and online lectures and seminars.