
LaTeX: pages

A correct basic page layout is important both for people who work with screen readers and for those who read with strong magnification on their screens. For both groups, it is important to use a single-column layout without added text fields.

Margins/text width

The predefined page margins in default LaTeX documents are wide enough.

Deactivate hyphenation

The following command disables full justification and deactivates hyphenation for the entire document:

  • \raggedright immediately after
  • \begin{document}

In this case, the spacing between paragraphs should be increased, for example:

  • \setlength{\parskip}{12pt}

This makes it easier for people who read with magnification to recognise the paragraph structure. If you wish to keep full justification, you can use the following packages and options to turn off hyphenation:

  • \usepackage[none]{hyphenat}
  • \setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em}
  • \emergencystretch leads to a suboptimal layout, but ensures that no line sticks out too far to the right, which may otherwise happen if you turn off hyphenation.