ADAM/CMS: Font, paragraph, page
On ADAM and in the Typo3 and Magnolia CMS, font types and sizes, line spacing, etc. are mostly preset in styles. It is generally not necessary to modify them, since readers can alter their browser settings to meet their needs.
However, when working with ADAM, you should be aware of the following:
- The ADAM editor’s preset line spacing is too small. The simplest way to fix this is by adding an empty paragraph after each line of text.
- The pink color assigned to “accented” text does not provide enough contrast. Please avoid it.
Dark mode
Students with migraines, cluster headache or other neurological conditions need to avoid glaring white backgrounds and prefer to work in dark mode. Most operating systems and browsers are able to display websites and software interfaces in dark mode: a dark background with a lighter font. On your own website, you can define the colour scheme for your dark mode in CSS:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { }
In ADAM and the University of Basel’s CMS, there is no dark-mode option at present; if you need a dark mode, please contact your systems administrator.