
MS Word: References

MS Word offers numerous functions for structuring a document. Use them – they enable and facilitate navigation of documents not only for your blind or visually impaired students, but for everyone else too.

Table of contents

  • Set your cursor on the position where you wish to insert your table of contents.
  • References > Table of Contents
  • Choose a layout.

If you want to make changes to the text after creating a table of contents, you will have to update the table of contents.

  • Click in the table of contents.
  • Click above on “Update Table of Contents”.

The scroll function is useless for the blind, and people with motor disabilities may find scrolling difficult or impossible. For this reason, you should format any references in your text as hyperlinks. This applies to references to websites as well as document-internal references, including all references to a different location in the document (e. g. “see Chapter 2”), references to images or bibliographic references.

How to create a document-internal reference:

  • Make sure that the target location is formatted correctly. (References can refer to headings, bookmarks, footnotes, endnotes, and images.)
  • Highlight the location where the reference should appear.
  • Click Insert > Cross-reference.
  • Select the target location and the type of reference.

How to create a reference to an internet destination (web link):

  • Place the cursor in the desired location or highlight the desired text element.
  • Insert > Link
  • Enter the destination URL.