
Exercise: Ensure cost optimal supply

Now that you know how to derive different supply options that can satisfy the demand of our example country, we ask you to choose the supply option that ensures this with the least costs possible.

We extended the model framework by providing you with the overall costs your supply choice will induce on a yearly level. This includes the needed costs to install the power plant capacities and – in the case of fossil and nuclear power plants – their generation costs

You can again adjust the sliders and chose which fossil or nuclear generation is to be used first. Play around with some different options for mixing the power plant types to see if you can find the one with the lowest costs.

We will come back to your solution in chapter 2. So, you best take notes.

Note: if you want to keep a certain result for later use we suggest that you make a screenshot (Command-Shift-3 for Mac or CTRL+PrtScn for Windows) and download it.


Using the insights: ensure cost optimal supply