About tales

The courses on tales are free and openly accessible. Most courses require no prior knowledge.

tales courses are multimedia: they contain articles as well as videos, podcasts and quizzes. They are available in German, English and French.

At set times, learners can log in, comment and take part in discussions with peers and lecturers, while the course content remains accessible to all. In order to comment, a login via SWITCH edu-ID is required.

For students at the University of Basel

Students at the University of Basel can join some of the tales courses as hybrid courses as part of their degree programme.

To earn credit points, students at the University of Basel have to provide proof of achievement at the university.

tales courses are…

  • free
  • openly accessible
  • available in one or more languages (German, English, French)
  • partly integrated into teaching at the University of Basel

Your own professional video?

In addition to tales, we also offer other services.

Students at the University of Basel can book a slot on Studio Days, and we’ll produce a short presentation video for free.

Do you have an idea for a short explainer video from your area of study? Check out shortED and get in touch with us.