Medicine, One Health, Global Health

These medical courses range from histology to basic surgical care of a wound to the topic of “One Health”.



Herzlich willkommen zur virtuellen Mikroskopie
This course teaches general histology and microscopic anatomy of the organs. Course language: German.


Chirurgische Basiskompetenz
In this course, healthcare professionals learn about the basics of treating wounds. Course language: German.
One Health: Connecting Humans, Animals and the Environment

One Health: Connecting Humans, Animals and the Environment

This course explores how One Health works in practice, bringing together different scientific perspectives. Course languages: English, French.
Examining African Contributions to Global Health

Examining African Contributions to Global Health

Discover the achievements and impact made by African experts in global healthcare. Course language: English.
Allergies: When the Immune System Backfires

Allergies: When the Immune System Backfires

Discover how different allergies are understood, diagnosed, and treated today. Course language: English.
The Resistant Mosquito

The Resistant Mosquito

Staying Ahead of the Game in the Fight against Malaria
Discover approaches and advances in our fight against the malaria mosquito using Insecticide Resistance Management. Course language: English.
Gesundheitliche Vorausplanung

Gesundheitliche Vorausplanung

Im Gespräch mit dem oder der Patient:in geht es nicht nur um die Behandlung von Krankheiten, sondern auch um die …