What are the advantages of a tales course for teaching?

The courses on tales are free and openly accessible. This means that the courses have a broad reach and are not tied to termtime. This allows lecturers to reach a broad audience outside of the University of Basel and add hybrid teaching to their programme.

tales courses are multimedia: they contain articles as well as videos, podcasts and quizzes. The New Media Center produces the tales courses and supports lecturers from the initial concept through script-writing and editing to the finished multimedia course. Our tales service is open to all members of the University of Basel.

Commenting on tales

At set times, learners can log in, comment and take part in discussions with peers and lecturers, while the course content remains accessible to all. In order to comment, a login via SWITCH edu-ID is required.

Your own tales course?

Would you like to create your own tales course? Contact us with your idea!

Your own professional video?

You don’t need an entire course, just a short presentation video? For members of the University of Basel, we film and edit short videos for free.